First and foremost, Deborah was a mother and a mighty woman of God.
"Deborah means "bee," because it signifies the law, like honey in the wax, and it contains the letter and the sweetness of the Spirit." Back in those times, the Jews always named a child with a meaning (we still seem to do that today, too) and they would have the child from birth be prophesied over.
The Hebrew root word for Deborah is to speak, and the Hebrew root word for bee is, word, as in the word of God.
"Honeybee" is the essence of the anointing that rests on women. Like a bee, swarming a leader from behind, women will have new leadership responsibilities in the church today and will be recognized as prophets who teach and guide the body of Christ. A healing anointing is being portioned to women, they will bring healing and wisdom to the broken. The Lord saith, "I am calling my daughters to carry my word EVERYWHERE!"
Bees (real life bee's) don't work alone, they work together in unity. This symbolizes how the body of Christ needs to be unified! We should be firing at the enemy's camp, TOGETHER, to advance the Kingdom of God! Men and women. Like a bee, the sting hurts, but the honey is sweet. We should be saving the STING for the enemy and the HONEY for the people, including one another in the body of Christ. We carry His glory!! What comes from the mouth is a reflection of what's in the heart. It's important to let go of any bitterness, resentment or unforgiveness (forgive yourself too).
Six things we should "BEE":
BEE about our father's business! (Luke 2:49)
Do not BEE lazy, complacent, indifferent or stagnant, but BEE busy with purpose! (His purpose)
BEE a servant, SERVE OTHERS!
BEE unified with everyone, no condemnation.
BEE committed! (Judges 8 & 10)
BEE as sweet as honey to everyone (family included) with the love of God.
My information came from the Core Group with Jenny Weaver, I took notes in one of her classes led by the Holy Spirit and a book she had read. I felt led to share. The Core belongs to the Lord!
* (I thank you Holy Spirit, for the work you are doing in me and for the wisdom/Spirit following through the Core Group. I want nothing more than to be used by you, Deborah's ARISE! I love and honor you Lord, in Jesus mighty name, AMEN!) *